Getting the right size child's helmet
Children's head sizes vary by age. We've seen 2 year old children with big heads and 10 year olds with small heads. We therefore recommend measuring your child's head before choosing the correct helmet. Please do measure your child's head to ensure you order the correct size.
Q: Which size helmet to choose?
Ensure you have measured your child's head. If the measurement is on the cusp of the next one then please order the next size up.
Q: Why should my child wear a helmet?
We believe all children should wear a helmet when scooting but know getting them to actually one is easier said than done. A helmet provides crucial protection in the event of a fall.
Helmet instruction manual for safe use:
For maximum protection, the helmet must be fitted properly and all retention straps must be correctly and securely fastened. Please try helmets in different sizes and choose the size, which feels secure and comfortable on the head.
The helmet is designed for single impact protection and should never be used after and accident.
Severe head or neck injury, including paralysis or death may occur to you despite using this helmet. No helmet can prevent all head injuries or any neck injuries that may occur while participating in skateboard sport, roller skating or pedal cycling.
This helmet provides no protection to parts of the body that it does not cover directly.
Never modify or remove any original parts of the helmet. Neve adapt the helmet for purpose of fitting accessories. Never re-paint the helmet as this may damage its structural integrity.
That a helmet subjected to violent impact shall be discarded.
Do not expose the helmet to extreme temperatures.
Barring a significant impact, the life span of a helmet will depend upon the length and frequency of its use. Like other safety devices, a helmet needs to be replaced over time. We recommend evaluating your helmet after three years of use.
We believe all children should wear a helmet when scooting but know getting them to actually one is easier said than done. A helmet provides crucial protection in the event of a fall.